Watercolor Bookmarks for You and Kids
Check out this printable with two bookmarks, one for mom and one for your kid, since they always love having their own.
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Lately, my toddler has been sitting next to me while I’m reading. He takes a book, starts babbling cute sounds and even drinks his milk as if it was coffee like mommy. So I decided to make “reading together” a part of our morning routine.
We often read one of his favorite books that is El artista que pintó un caballo azul by Eric Carle. It's a great book for the little ones, all about color, art and creativity. If you are interested in this book, you can find a Spanish Edition here but there is also an English Edition here.
Of course, my toddler, being just two years old, can’t stay still and focused for more than just a couple of minutes. Then he finishes "reading", and he's ready to start jumping on the sofa or climbing all over me. So I discovered that we both end up closing the books without saving the pages.
Of course, it is easier for us to come back and find the pages in my toddler small picture books. But for me, it's much more work, as you can imagine.
To make this routine more successful, and be able to find the pages later, I had the idea of making two bookmarks. One is for mommy, because I actually need one, and one for my toddler since I knew he would love having his own.
If you are a fan of bookmarks too, you can download these colorful free printable bookmarks for you and your kid, or a friend just by clicking on the image below.
Download this image and print it to use these bookmarks. For personal use only
Note: A few moths ago the site crashed and we lost all the PDF printables that we uploaded in the site. You can download the image above and use it for your projects. I’m sorry if it doesn’t have a great printing quality.
Days after making these my son had a fever and a cold and stayed inside the house for almost five days, so we were extremely happy to be able to leave the house on Saturday and Sunday to enjoy the sunny weather.
We even took some books and the bookmarks with us to the park. It was so heartwarming.
Please note that the printable is for personal use only and redistribution or reselling for commercial use is strictly prohibited. You can use one image on your blog or social media channels if you want to share and spread the love, but please link back to the post. Thank you so much for your support!